Untitled design 7


Untitled design 8


mid-century modern


Why RoomLayot

Our Prices

While we don't guarantee our prices, we're pretty confident you'll be happy with them.

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Most of your purchases will ship to you in just a few days, and shipping is always free unless otherwise noted.

Customer Service

We want you to feel confident in purchasing with us. We're available by phone or email (though email is better).

About Us

At RoomLayot, we never want to see our guests leave our site because of price. We'll always strive to offer you the best value for your money.

We invite you to explore all that we have to offer, from an entire room to that one piece that will make your space.

We try to consistently add new furnishings and accessories. There is always something new to discover here.

So come explore, ask questions, and find something you love. We look forward to helping you recreate your space.

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